– Gently cleans the skins from dirt and wax residues
– The climbing and sliding properties are improved again
– The cleaner does not attack the glue of the skins
– Application: moisten Care Fleece with Skin Cleaner
Superior-quality aluminium edge angle for file guiding.
Superior-quality aluminium edge angle for file guiding.
ALL-IN-ONE 2.0 Ski tensioner is made of pressure and tensile resistant aluminium body. The robust centre clamp opens up to 90mm. Lightweight and compact size, ideal for travel. Supplied with 2 ski stopper holders.
- For fast and easy horizontal and vertical applications.
- Ideal for edge and base tuning.
- Two side edge work position: standard 90° and easy at 60°
- Special support for snowboard and wide ski tuning.
Superior-quality, ergonomically optimised edge side wall planer with Teflon gliding surfaces on the base side
New Liquid Wax variant of the well-known skiwax barAlphamix. For all snow conditions. For snow temperatures from -4° to Â-14° C. Fast and easy application. Apply with the special fleece "CareFleece" 24492, allow to dry and then polish in with FinishCork
Ergonomic side wall planer with gliding surfaces on the base side.
Screw clamp to attach the file on the World Cup File Guide.‚Ä®
The ideal horsehair brush for applying and brushing out 
finishing products (e.g. HOLMENKOL Syntec Race Powder).