Turtle Fur

CAD 39.00 Excl. tax

Located just North of Stowe, in the shadows of Vermont’s highest peak, Mount Mansfield, we know tough weather. In 1982 Turtle Fur left its first mark on winter with the invention of the fleece neck warmer called "The Turtle's Neck". It was a shift in winter accessories that continues to this day.

The invention of the Original Turtle's Neck freed once scarf-bound skiers from their tangled and burdensome accessories. From The Neck was born The Hat, from The Hat; many more hats. By creating comfortable, quality products, we help you stay outside longer to enjoy the things you love to do. Our mission is to create the best adult and kids’ headwear and outdoor gear you can buy. We pride ourselves on holding true to our roots of quality, comfort, creativity, and community...all while having fun.

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